Just send an email to our membership secretary at membership@beaconsfield.cc who will provide you with all necessary information regarding joining your first ride with the club and will answer any question you may have.
BCC Membership runs from 1st April to 31st March
This means all members have to renew their membership before 31st March each year.
Annual club membership fees are:
£25 per individual
£50 per family
£10 per Junior
In addition we offer a half-year membership for £12.50 for anyone joining between 1st October and 31st March.
All fees are subject to a £1 admin fee that goes to British Cycling.
New club members will be issued with an ‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) sticker for their helmet. Wearing an ICE tag is a club requirement.
Memberships and renewals are managed through the British Cycling website.
British Cycling membership is not included with BCC membership but is highly recommended and can be purchased at the same time as buying your club membership.
BCC requires all new and existing members to have personal liability insurance; this can be purchased through British Cycling at the Gold, Silver or Ride level.
Please note ‘Bronze’ does not provide the cover required.
To buy BCC membership, simply click on this link ‘Buy BCC Subscription’