BCC kit is now well recognised on roads in the Chilterns, with our signature pink being both easy for traffic to see and distinct from the colours used by other clubs.
Our colours are in two designs, summer and winter.
Summer kit has white accents, while winter kit has no white so as to keep it cleaner, as we deal with winter muck and dirty UK roads. Winter kit is limited to winter jackets, gilets and l/s jerseys.
The BCC Kit is generally ordered twice a year
Typically, in time for the autumn and winter and again in time for the spring and the summer. If you join the club, you can place your order and it will be added to the order for the next batch. A good idea is to chat to one of the other club members who has kit to make sizing comparisons.
Club kit is from Endura and ordering is done via the on-line Endura ordering platform. In order to have access to Endura platform, please request that option from the kit officer by emailing kit@beaconsfield.ccor If you have any other kit questions.