It was around this time a couple of the founding members suggested forming a Cycling Club. Some were keen, others didn’t see any need, but while the pros and cons were being discussed they went ahead and created the club, registered it with British Cycling, and what was then the CTC and secured the all-important domain name.
It took six months to secure enough membership income to repay the loan from the club secretary for the initial setup costs.
The famous pink kit came some months later as there were not enough members to secure that first order. The design was heavily influenced by a Beaconsfield ladies’ cycling group that met on a Wednesday and had already designed a pink and black outfit.
As knowledge increased, it became apparent that it was a good idea to have club liability insurance in place to protect Club Officials and ride leaders. Consequently, many of the ladies joined BCC and the Wednesday rides became part of the BCC calendar.
With the one hundred members by the end 2015 annual membership stands at over 165 members in 2023. From initial club rides of sometimes two or three riders, groups of over thirty are now regularly turning up on Saturday and Sunday mornings, weather depending.
Around 165 (Summer 2023)
About 40
Normally once a month there is an evening social gathering in a venue somewhere in Beaconsfield.
We are a social road cycling club. Although we are not a racing club, some members do participate in road, circuit, cyclocross and other races from time to time.
Yes, small but quite active throughout the year
Yes, small but mostly active in spring and summer
Yes, bearing in mind ride etiquette will still apply
Triathlon style handlebars, including clip-on aero bars, are not permitted on Club rides.
If you have any question about whether your bike is suitable for Club rides then please contact us and we’ll do our best to help. Email us at:
Depending on time of year, weather and other factors we may get up to 40 members turning up to a weekend Club ride. We split into groups based on pace and route choice. On Club rides we have a preferred size of six riders per group with a maximum of eight.